Sunday, March 20, 2016


Mistakes are what shape you into being who you are. Mistakes can often teach you more than an actual lesson can. The thing with mistakes is that you can't be too hard on yourself; if you can't laugh at yourself or get help to fix your mistake, you will not be able to go through life without stress. Sometimes you will make a huge mistake, maybe with a friend, and it will seem like you have made the biggest mistake in the world and there is no possible way to fix it. Step back and look at the whole picture, you can fix a mistake no matter how big it is, and you will most likely end up laughing at yourself later in life. Mistakes are not bad, they are how you can make light of life, how you learn. Once you have made a mistake, you will might make it again, but you will continue o learn from it.  Mistakes perfect you.



  1. Very true. Forgiving myself for mistakes is something I can struggle with. Nice slice.

  2. This was very well written and very true. This makes me feel better about making mistakes. Good job!

  3. This is very philosophical in a good way, and I never thought about it like that. It is a really good message!
